Poems from antoniaysaguirre

antoniaysaguirre's picture
Hmm, how to start off a bio... Well hello fellow soul, my name is Antonia Catherine. I'm a 17-year old new aged hippie living in the forever bi-polar weather, beautiful beaches, and killer heat of a place called Florida. I come from a Belizean father and Italian-decent mothers. I know, I do look as gorgeous as that sounds :P. I have 2 little brothers and a shih tzu who are all seriously the lights of my life. I love music and I love to write. Feel free to read my writings and feedback would be hella appreciated. Laters, xx
Without me you are lost With me you are found Without me you cannot touch With me you hear sound   You are nothing But closed eyes And dry...
Without me you are lost With me you are found Without me you cannot touch With me you hear sound   You are nothing But closed eyes And dry...
Without me you are lost With me you are found Without me you cannot touch With me you hear sound   You are nothing But closed eyes And dry...