Poems from jtysteboe

Freud doesn’t make sense. Mother: Mary Does my subconscious really speak? Love: Fire And if it speaks, does it speak the truth? Church:...
The paper sun Peeks it rays Between the blinds, And I reluctantly Lift my chiffon eyelids. As I stretch My fragile arms, I think, “This...
There used to be hope In the shape of trees And love In clouds And dreams In stars There used to be Reds And blues And purples And greens...
When I wake up, I feel weak, So weak, That I can’t even Lift my head. But when I write, I feel powerful, And I can hold The entire world In...
I write my tears down On my cheek With a pencil, Because a pencil Has an eraser, And I can rub away My sadness. After I erase the paths...
