Poems from marissareisen

How acceptable? Would one deem it as inappropriate? Or too affectionate? Is it so strange to the eyes of a floater, foreign and detached,...
Sneers. Stares. Glacial glares untie his shoes and pull his hair. The bane that crushes, and muffles his dreams confounds him. It stays...
Let me wake you. A frigid kiss to your nose, an arctic nibble on your fingers, and let me tingle your toes. Come to me. Give me energy,...
The lake on Marpol Ridge is an excuse. It is the thought of accomplishment. The whispers in the grass and the feather-fluttered dirt...
In a warm coffeeshop On an early summer morning I sit Wedged in the corner of a green velvet couch, That undoubtedly has seated many other...