Poems from michaelw1two

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B028785 / z5004236 / 455182038
by Michaelw1two Like pulling teeth, with a string piece, tied to the foyer door; chocolates melt quicker… in an oven, hands or arms,...
By michaelw1two Worrisome proves one’s life these days, the pocket’s heft, each bill that’s late paid; subconscious rue; what is life worth...
by Michaelw1two Inspired by Alberta C. Wakefield; Self's boast, one's toast, feminine cult of I, celebrity; instilled idea, beauty lost,...
by Michaelw1two Inspired by Aadhar Mittal and dedicated to Senator Orin Hatch; Long-lived life, once truly dedicated to living thoughts; of...
by Michaelw1two One life's proof, that it exists, basks purely in the thoughts; that breath, and love, and happiness, evolve from the...
