Poems from ms.ziafat

Sometimes; memories just sneak out of my eyes and roll down my cheeks' putting in my mind! why losing you became a bitter wrench? why this...
My dry eyes and my sobbing heart, are killing me inside; Is it a cursed life? or an act of God, to make me soulful and alive... (ms.ziafat)
My heart desired to break the rules of loyalty, to breath to enjoy jollity, But ! out of nowhere a thought came to me what is this heart if...
Lets say goodbye to this year with smiles and cheers, leaving all resentments behind' Perhaps, the New Year induces bliss in chaotic state...
O my love You and I; let's be lost to the sight gliding to the drunk sky wher' the drowsy breeze murmured sweet and gay odes, O my love You...
