The Unsung Heroes


United States
34° 56' 2.7708" N, 89° 55' 47.982" W

Who helps us without the thought of praise?
Wait, let me rephrase.
Who helps us in the spite of danger looming close?
Who helps and never boasts?
Who works through holidays away from dear ones?
Who works through the chill of the moon and the heat of the sun?
Who defends through the many faces of danger?
Who does this all, yet remains a stranger?
Who walks with dignity and breathes respect?
Who lives in honor and works to protect?
Soldiers who fight and defend
Honoring their duty, each and every man
Defending each stripe and star to this day
Inspiring me and hopefully the US of A

Guide that inspired this poem: 



This poem was very good. Not too many people who aren't military, or who don’t have loved ones in, can describe our sacrifices.

keep up the good work,


Thank you for appreciating the poem. I have many friends in the armed services and sadly you are right not to many people cannot begin to describe...I barely scratch the surface of what many people go through. I truely respect those all in the services, regardless if I never met them personally. I noticed your comment tag is "I am a Soldier" I just want to say thank you for your services and a proud hooah or semper fi from a soon to be enlisted woman.

Proud and Thankful,
Connie M. Wong

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