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Dear Chaotic World, Need I say why I come to you now With words But you already know why I am here Need I smile in all falsehood A lie
"Teachers don't make much money." "Early Childhood Educators make practically no money." "Day Care providers make less than doormen." I hear it. I hear it. I hear it all. Yet the promise of money,
The Author"Write hard and clear about what hurts." - Ernest Hemingway I am a follower and I do believe in thee.I am endoubted to thee andI am one with thee.
Look at the leaves change Why can't we change something, too? I wanted to change.   Changing me would be Trying to change a brick wall I tried way too hard.   Worked at it all day
We know you can see them. Your eyes on your desk, your pen in your hand, your lips glued together, and your eyes defiantly shut, We know you can see them. They are the quiet ones, the loud ones,
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