Poems from Rosei Relic

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My real name is Cameron Dubois. I Was born in Detroit Michigan. I started out in a bad household. my dad was white and he is in jail. my mom is black and she was 15 when she had me. My mom could not take care of me so she took me to the foster home. In the foster home, they brutality abused me. that is part of the reason why my poetry is so hard and dark. But I was adopted in a very nice family so I'm alright.
I am so tuff. some people won't believe it it is true. I don't like to share my feelings   I hate people I think to my self in bed my heart...
I have no friends. but I've got "friends" I can only fit in if I follow their trends.   I am so different. some things should be a sin,...
The time passed. This is real life. Vaguely remembering what you did You feel shame and Overwhelming regret. Why.   The white wall stares...
HOPELESS I am 15 Mixed. Strong but weak. Black and white. Raised by white loved by some, and rejected by most. I don't know how to fit in...
