Poems from dchristianson

In a daze I journey through the fog. My mind in a haze. I stumble through a bog. With friend beside We have some fun...
Hot sun, Blazing on my skin, Bronzing. The crisp, cut, green grass warm and soft, Under my bare feet. Reclining in a...
I fell into a dream, Inside my head. Lost in my mind, Searching for identity. In a daze, I direct my gaze, To the landscape around me...
A barren landscape bereft of life Nothing as far as they eye can see Yet something The stones rising sharply from the sands Majestic as...
1. My life, tenuous, on a knife's edge. I may die 2. A gruesome death on a cloudy night, I 3. But to live until dawn's 4. Break. is...
