Poems from rpolan14

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It's been a while since I've done this whole writing thing. Just getting back into practice.
I need you like I need air. But sometimes when I feel like I can’t breathe I blame the air for poisoning me. It makes no sense, and I have...
We are all a compilation of perfect imperfections. The way I see things though, you are perfect. The things that make you say you are not...
Feeling trapped in your own skin is a feeling I would equate to having a life sentence to an inescapable prison for a crime you didn’t...
Have you ever been so close to something that you got singed by its fire?  Not a physical fire, a passion for life for love... for justice...
Flawless a term of perfection. A definition of popularity, often overused.  But to define myself as  Flawless I address my flaws. I am  a...
