Poems about Animals

I use this pen to release ink till I reach my inner peace But it’s crazy ‘cause it used to confine me to its pages…
  My life was once free, Until they took it from me. I was picked up like an animal by the haughty men
Go ahead tell me what's right and tell me what's wrong  rip apart my music, destroy my song. 
Animals are cute and furry, Chemicals are not. Animals should be free to scurry,
Today Bobby already ate his oats. ---Already ate my oats Moms...
Like many people I write for comfort, To pen my only hopes and dreams, So that they are never lost,
Fur of orange and paws of black, my favorite animal is a fox. Pointed nose, pointed ears, pointed whiskers, pointed tail.
Soaring elation
My one true call to nature, to life, to existence I love the sound of Opera and someday you’ll hear me singing it
You love the land, The forest during the night when everything is a dark gray,
