Poems about Immigration

I concur. If it's against my religion, it should be illegal. And while we're passing laws,
you make me stutter in every language I have
My daddy built an empire with his tender, 18-year-old hands as he kneaded the pizza dough for $5 an hour
His skin looks old, brown, and wrinkled; scarred by the Mexican Sun; His wrinkles are a chronicle of his life-long Wisdom.
When I was younger, I read a series called the American Girl Diaries They were books about girls with red hair and freckles
They say, I ought not be involved, With the people here, The culture of my peers. Their ways are defiled,
-With “New Colossus” (1883) – Emma Lazarus-
We do struggle like the rest, Trying to make the best. Living life day to day,
This injustice, it isn't right. We are all human, but they all wanna fight.
In the shadows I stand, Waiting for the day when I am no longer called illegal Am I from outer space?
