Browse Poems

WARNING! Some poems contain explicit language.
Not sure what to search for? Try finding a poem by fate...

Trust is like some bittersweet cupcake that I can’t sink my teeth into. Tempting, as most unattainable things are, but vile.
11 years 1 week ago
I don't know who you are or where we'll meet but I do hope it's soon.I pray that when we meet and fall in love you will love me for me an
11 years 1 week ago
As I crawl between the empty crevices of his arms, I lay against him and my cold body feels a rush of warmth.
11 years 1 week ago
As I crawl between the empty crevices of his arms, I lay against him and my cold body feels a rush of warmth.
11 years 1 week ago
I cry because you care, and I laugh because you're sincere please don't get lost in the forest, oh dear.....
11 years 1 week ago
Love had escaped me Falling in love Impossible Being loved Even more so So I thought
11 years 1 week ago
I sit patiently waiting for you to get here. Why do you keep me waiting?
11 years 1 week ago
To feel the brush of your fingertips Against my breaking skin As the sun caresses the hill outside
11 years 1 week ago
I’d be leaning against a thick tree, staring off into the green with a film of sweat across my lip
11 years 1 week ago
The first thing you can hear, the faint sound of a heartbeat The joyous drum-like sound that connects us all
11 years 1 week ago
