Browse Poems

WARNING! Some poems contain explicit language.
Not sure what to search for? Try finding a poem by fate...

Your things, purposely left or not Are scattered around my room
20 hours 34 min ago
My bed is too small for the both of us but I’d happily sleep on the edge of it every night for the rest of my life if it meant
20 hours 35 min ago
I am shaking, crying. My head spins, tears flowing, as the world collapses around me.
20 hours 56 min ago
You broke me, And there were so many pieces of myself that I was no longer able to see.
1 day 3 hours ago
I went astray Made a mortal sin And you, my Goddess Are forgiving, but I don't want it
1 day 5 hours ago
Virtuoso take me home to a place
1 day 8 hours ago
Hot summer sun baking our brows. . . black-winged hoppers snapping knee high
1 day 11 hours ago
Hot summer sun baking our brows. . . black-winged hoppers snapping knee high
1 day 11 hours ago
It's a pain to write anymore, it was never like this before
1 day 14 hours ago
From the time your in the womb, and hear the sounds around you; before you could walk, talk, or maybe even crawl, 
1 day 20 hours ago
