Browse Poems

WARNING! Some poems contain explicit language.
Not sure what to search for? Try finding a poem by fate...

I live in a cold, cold place, Far from the Seeing Eye. A place where the nights are long
10 years 22 hours ago
You know what really makes me tick… When I just overheard someone in the library making fun of someone to their friend
10 years 22 hours ago
We don't know where we're going, or who we're supposed to be, so we walk in like we own the place, hoping that someone will see.
10 years 22 hours ago
10 years 22 hours ago
Tired of seeing my mom struggling, 
10 years 22 hours ago
Some people pursue fortune, others long for fame, And many strive to simply just make themselves a name.
10 years 22 hours ago
I rarely think, My FAVORTIE colors pink, My dogs name is blue, is your name Sue? My boyfriend has lupus,
10 years 22 hours ago
I go to school . my middle name is cool . your such a fool. and boys use you like a tool.   
10 years 22 hours ago
someone once told me “you must be brave with your life so that others may be brave with theirs.”  
10 years 22 hours ago
18 years young. I had a son with his mother. I say I had him because I've said before today: he is the child of my mind.
10 years 22 hours ago
