Poems about Bullying

Today I had a talk with the class bully, he is quite loud and rude.
Be yourself, Dont hurt the people that dont know you, Everyone is different,
His blood on my fist Knuckle to the bone Tear through those teeth Like a plow through the snow
We fight, but what for? we hate, but what for? we bully, but what for?
What is a friend, you may ask. A friend is special, kind, sweet, Watches out for you, Asks you how you are,
(poems go here) It’s the rejections of life that we are afraid or fear the most.
What is wrong with our generation?... Smoking. Sex. Drugs. To be cool you have to smoke.
What is wrong with our generation?... Smoking. Sex. Drugs. To be cool you have to smoke.
You should know better You should know that bullying hurts It all starts with one word One word that you blurt
I’m sorry everyone who is bullied, for the world has sinned And taken your lives
