Browse Poems

WARNING! Some poems contain explicit language.
Not sure what to search for? Try finding a poem by fate...

9 years 9 months ago
​​Anybody could make me feel lost, lonely, worthless, empty, and confused.
9 years 9 months ago
As the leaves tumble by The rain drops as footsteps And the grass whistles We walk slow and quiet
9 years 9 months ago
on white sheets
9 years 9 months ago
That voice
9 years 9 months ago
A dark room. I lie alone. Non-existent until this moment. Darkness blinds my open eyes.
9 years 9 months ago
A deafening boom
9 years 9 months ago
Before, having an education was a choice, Now education has become a necessity,
9 years 9 months ago
Ode To Mr. X: Speak Your Mind Scholarship Slam
I ain't doin this to gain fame. Malc got me thinking about changing  my last name.
9 years 9 months ago
It is summer again.
9 years 9 months ago
