Poems About the Environment

I seek adventure I know not where I go I'm not an extremist for  I dare not go there
Devin Weary Professor Poehlmann ENGLISH 1302-007
Its obscurity, so beautiful with the colors;
The sky is alive Clouds slowly dancing by me birds and bee's wisping by  without a single sound
For hundreds of years blacks have died by whips and chains Its' 2013 and  blacks are still dying over whips and chains.
O dandelions dancing in the sun, You frolic and sway under the bright sky, But only rise up once spring has begun.
A dandelion gone to seed is an fascinating weed. It changes over time.
Standing still, eyes planted on the framed piece before me. Canary yellow, alive like a dandelion takes me back
Summer time is here and along with that brings the family out.
They claimed they saw the small thing with four legs, Like plant, it absorbs from its environment,
